What is Self-Leadership?
Personal Growth 5 min read
Time vs Energy Management
Why Do We Procrastinate?
What Went So Completely Wrong?
Dr John Leads
Why I am grateful for 2020?…My New Year Reflections
Personal Growth | 5 min read
Family | 3 min read
First Year Parenting – Thriving or Surviving?
Parenting can be traumatic for any new parent. From pregnancy to being thrown into caring for a newborn can be a blur. For mothers in particular, bodily changes can be a real nightmare. To cope with little to no sleep and navigating this new routine is especially daunting for new parents.
Management | 5 min read
Re-Energizing Our People
LEADING organizations in the long term is a complex task, because as time goes by people become less and less energized. One of the keys for effective long-term leadership is our ability to renew the energy and morale of our people and teams in the organization. When we do this well, the eyes of our staff will light up in what Ben Zander calls ‘shiny eyes’. The question I frequently ask myself is: “What kind of leader have I been if the eyes of my staff are not shining?”
People | 5 min read
Understanding the Millennials
When asked, “How do you manage the greatest challenge of our time, the Millennials?” Mr Ngiam Tong Dow, one-time Permanent Secretary to the former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, replied without hesitation, “You must believe that they are the future of the organization!” I write this based on experiences living with three Millennials kids, managing a bunch of Millennials staff, and consulting with companies dealing with issues and studies on this generation of people over the last 10 years.
Why I didn’t take self-care seriously? … A Confession
Everyone recognizes that self-care (or soul care) is very important. It’s important but not urgent enough for us to take it seriously. I am a classic case of “It’s important but never urgent” enough. I was one of those who believed in self-care but never did anything about it until … in 2005, I almost died. At 41, I was still young. I had lots of energy. As a Type-A person, I lived as though there was no tomorrow. My adrenalin was driven by activities and performance. The more, the merrier. I thought I could go on forever: Super-charged all the time without stopping. I would pack my life with one activity after another, without any pauses. On top of that, I slept late and woke up early. I hardly had more than 6 hours of sleep. My weekends were packed to the brim. That year, we had successfully executed a large leadership conference with about 1,000 participants from 30 countries. I was in the third heavens!
Leading High-Performing Teams
Leading Change in a Turbulent World
Leadership is an art. It begins with the person who, more than anything else, makes the difference – it’s about self-leadership. Bill Hybels, a noted leader of one of the largest non-profit organizations in the world, points out, “The toughest management challenge is always yourself.” Dee Hock, writing about leadership for over 20 years and a laureate in the US Business Hall of Fame, shares this wisdom, “We should invest 50 per cent of our leadership amperage in self-leadership and the remaining 50 per cent should be divided into leading down, leading up and leading laterally.” Chris Lowney, in his book Heroic Leadership, writes, “If you want your team to perform heroically, be a hero yourself.”
A 66th Birthday Meditation. My Weakness Matters
What are the Signs of Lack of Self-Care? … First Step is Self-Awareness
Ask any Singaporean: “How are you?” Inevitably, the response is, “Very busy!” They might add, “Very tired!” This is also true among urban workers around the world. The new mantra of many high-achieving organizations is CBF (Cheaper, Better, Faster), which has added to the stress of today’s workers. This is because organizations are looking for ways to increase productivity as well as cut cost and reduce headcount.
I went to Changi International Airport on Dec 21 to fetch my daughter, Meizhi, who was returning to Singapore from Shanghai. For over a year, I had not stepped into Changi Airport, which used to handle a whopping 68.3 million passengers in 2019. I have never felt so eerie. Air traffic had almost come to a halt, except for that solitary Shanghai flight.
Over-Functioning Parents
Family 5 min read
Family | 5 min read
Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong calls us “kan cheong” (over-anxious) parents. I was more than over-anxious. I was truly a typical Singapore parent who was over-compensating, over-controlling and over-functioning. Like many parents, I yearn for my children to be the best or be as perfect as they can be. I would not spare any effort or resources to give them the best. My intentions were good but my methods oftentimes were the opposite. To be honest, my wife Alison was less overbearing and less expecting of perfection compared to me!
People 5 min read
Coming Soon
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min on average per session
Personal Growth
Is My Money Enough
Benny Ong
Emotion, Personality & Self-Esteem
Dr Ang Yong Guan
How to Build Your Personal Brand
Leela Jesudason
Leading Change in An Uncertain World
Dr John Ng
Parenting Teens Effectively
Parcsen Loke
Why Do Marriages Break Up? (Part 1)
How to Sell Without Selling
Phoon Yew Sang
How to Speak so People Really Listen
Paul McGee
The Leader Who Made the Impossible Possible
Dr John Ng & Idris Jala
How to Think Ahead to Prepare for the Future
Prof Neo Boon Siong
Why Do Asians Avoid Conflict?
How To Break Toxic Conflict Habits
Leadership in Crisis Management
Lawrence Leong
How to Think Again to Transform the Organization
How To Lead High Performing Teams
Understanding Millennials